xX_Cool Site to distract from doomed academic prospects_Xx
Project Logs and General Yapping XD
About the Creature:

Tumblr :3 BLsky XD
Haven't been able to study nor focus on personnal projects in my trip. In other news I am having a great time in here :DDD
For this next year of 2025, I have a really bad feeling about it, even tho I got a bunch of things planned out, I feel like some bullshit is gone happen that will fuck with everything. I am confident that stuff will go well for me cuz of my planning BUT, I feel like the world is gonna implode or something.
General weird omens, I couldn't have a consult with a babalorisha cuz of some family fuckery, Ive been seeing one of my prefered entities kinda of anywhere which is telling something but idk what. Safe to say I am scared for the next year.
It's truly just a feeling cuz, I figured what I wanna work with (somewhat), got a hold of an endocrinologist and I am actively searching for a shrink, I reconnected with my faith and got more friends, I am flirting with women without getting so nervous I try to dislocate my thumbs and I am finally developping proper planning and studying skills. SO WHAT"S THE FUSS ABOUT??? I really need to get that consult with a babalorisha, the other one was even sayiing I sounded disturb spiritually cuz I got so anxious I was saying sorry everytime I didn't say his title (WHICH IS NOT HOW YOU REFER TO A BABALORISHA I WAS JUST BEING ANXIOUS ITS BEEN YEARS SINCE I SAW ONE). I am pretty sure he got mad at me :P
Figured out the posts but the sidebars positioning still gets fucky whenever I change the size of the window, I still don't know how to do the navigation correctly, I'd say give me tips but I don't have a suggestion box :P
In other news, going back to my home country for the holidays and I might not update this site as often since I will have to study for the tests on january, tho I think I'll change my major and try programming in a less formal way, still gonna have a diploma no matter what tho, most probably in design or I do anthropology that I always wanted to and pray I get a job.
Tbh I've been thinking CompSci for a long time, I really like it but the enviromment it's awful, the teachers are cool but all the stereotypes are true about CompSci majors, I swear to God, in the first lecture I went the smell was so bad I almost gagged. But seriously, it's very bigoted, extremely male-dominated and can be harsh on POC folks, and have the addition of being a trans-women which makes it ten times more worse.
Concerning my projects, I've been getting the motivation to write and acrually do some comic pages, they are only the broad strokes of the story I wanna tell. The way I am doing it is like in animation, first you do the key poses then you do the in betweens, transotionning from one pose to another, in this case from one point of the story to another. Is this an actual method or is this really impratical? IDK >:V
Got an art page I'll try uploading some pages, very rough sketches in portuguese and maybe more.
"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved.For the Machine is Immortal."
I wish to finally put stuff out there that I make and finally put to use the things that I learned in programming and Design. My biggest issue is the insecurity I have in my skills, even tho they are baseless since I hone them religioulsy every day.